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Welcome To Our God's Love Page!!! |
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We must all understand that love is a force that comes from God. We share love with God. God then allows us to share love with all of our brothers and sisters all over the world. Our mutual love for God and for each other allow us to work with God to create and to develop all human and nonhuman life. Our relationships with God helps us to help all of our brothers and sisters all over the world to receive lawful aid and assistance from the governments of humanity. God's love helps us to promote the continued creation and development of all human life on our planet. We must understand that God's love for us is part of the individual relationship that we share with God on a daily basis. We look to our love for God for support, guidance, strength and understanding when we must deal with our problems. |
Why Is "A God and Humanity Book" Worth the Price? |
- We benefit from reading about discussions about the way that God shares his love with us.
- We benefit by exploring the power that we gain to do good things that we can do for ourselves and for others by reading about the love that God has for us.
- We need to learn how to exchange love and affections between ourselves and God.
- We need to understand that we must be ready to exchange love between ourselves and God at every moment of our lives.
- This book is powerful reading that helps us to connect with God's love so that we can accomplish good things for ourselves and for others.
- This book helps us to understand the nature of love as it deals with our relationships with God.
- This book helps us to understand that the love that comes from God is a healing force that helps us to overcome even our most devastating tragedies.
- We must understand that the creation of human life is the product of the love that we share with God.
- This book encourages us to live more productive lives because it helps us to reach out to God to find ways that we can raise our standard of living and find a better education for ourselves and for our children.
- This book helps us to understand that God wants to develp us into successful human beings.
Why Would You Like to Read "A God and Humanity Book?" |
Buying "A God and Humanity Book" can be an investment in our relationships with God. Most of us go through our daily routines without realizing just how much God really loves us. We must understand what God's love for us means to each and every one of us. We must understand how to draw from the power of the love that God has for us to build a better life for ourselves, for our loved ones and our friends. This book talks about what the love of God means for all of us. We should show love for God by doing constructive things for ourselves and for others. We should share love for God by achieving parenthood. |
- God's love helps us to achieve happiness in our lives.
- God's love helps us to achieve constructive goals for ourselves and for others.
- God's love guides us down the right path.
- God love helps us to show sympathy for those of us that are less fortunate than ourselves.
- God's love helps us to acheive parenthood with a partner of the opposite gender.
- God's love helps us to enjoy the happiness of parenthood in our lives.
- We can work with God's love to bring his love into other people's lives so that they can achieve a higher level of happiness.
- God's love works to save a marriage that is failing because he does not like it when when married couples get divorced.
- God's love brings happiness into the lives of children.
- God's love brings success in our efforts to accomplish goals that we want to achieve for the betterment of humanity.
What Does God's Love Do for Us? |
- God helps us to make our parents happy.
- God helps us to mature from infancy to the toddler stage.
- God helps us to mature into children and then into young adults.
- God shows us how to love our parents, our siblings, and others that are involved in our upbringing.
- God helps us to achieve success in our schools.
- God helps us to achieve our destiny.
- God helps us to achieve parenthood.
- God prepares us to achieve success in our careers.
- God prepares us to meet our fate if we fail to achieve our destiny.
- God helps us to rebuild our lives after a catastrophic failure.
- God helps us to care for loved ones that are suffering from an illness.
- God helps us to rebuild after a natural disaster.
- God helps us to rebuild after a wrongful death in the family.
- God talks to us about our issues and problems.
- God guides us toward the many steps that we need to take to solve our problems.
- God is always there to guide us when we need help.
- God is always there to guide us when we need to discipline our children and young adults.
- God wants to reward us for working with him to deal with parenting issues.
- God wants us to feel happiness after we have successfully worked with Him to deal with our issues.
- God is always there to help us when we need help.
Why Does God Need To Love Us? |
- God expects us to achieve parenthood.
- God expects us to be responsible parents.
- God wants us to be responsible members of the community.
- God wants us to love our brothers and sisters in our families and all over the world.
- God expects us to be non-violent.
- God expects us to be motivated to do good things for Humanity.
- God wants to develop us to play a special role within his human family.
- God expects to receive love from us.
- God expects us to love others.
- God wants to love us so that we can make a difference in other's lives.
- God wants us to bring joy and happiness to other's lives.
- God wants us to make him happy.
- God wants all of us to stop hurting him.
- God wants us to stop hurting others.
- God's love for us is there to contribute to the happiness that we can achieve in our lives.
- God's love is there so that we can work with God to help him to create new human lives.
- God love helps us to bring happiness to our children.
- God's love helps us to bring happiness to our children all over the world.
- God's love is an asset for God's entire Human Family.
- God's love will will make this entire human family what God eventually wants it to be.
The Basics |
God Communicates With Us |
- God creates and provides us with all of our drinking water.
- God creates and gives us all of our crude oil.
- God creates and pumps all of our natural gas through underground pipes.
- God creates all nonhuman life to create and to maintain the existence of human life.
- God provides all of us with purified breathing air.
- God manages all landfills and sewers in order to process all of humanity's sanitation so that our waste products will not build up to be a threat to the health of all human beings.
- God creates and maintains all trees in our forests. God makes sure that we will have a substantial amount of wood and paper so that we will never face a shortage of wood products.
- God creates all fruits, vegetables, eggs, livestock, milk, orange juice and seafood so that we will have a variety of foods to eat when we try to get food from nature that God operates on a daily basis.
- God helps us when we are in trouble.
- God helps us when we need help.
- God talks to us when we need advice.
- God helps us to understand how we can help others.
- God helps us to find people that can help us because God's love guides us to others that God would feel that would be able to help us in a crisis or in some other ways.
- God helps us to stay away from people or situations that might cause us to find the justifications to want to hurt ourselves and/or to hurt others.
- God and the Holy Spirit are always there to listen to our concerns, grievances, issues, and complaints.
- God is always there to help us to recover from the pain and suffering of a wrongful death or wrongful deaths.
- God always tries to reach out to us when he desperately needs to help us or when he needs our help in trying to solve a serious problem.
We Work With God To Create Life |
God Wants to Guide Us To Get Help |
- God's goal is to introduce a man and a woman to each other so that they can form a relationship.
- God wants a relationship between a man and a woman to grow into a romance.
- God expects a relationship and a romance to grow into a marriage and into parenthood in the future.
- God wants a man and a woman that are in an intimate relationship to work with God to create a new human life to to be committed to work with each other and with God to develop that new human life or those new human lives.
- God hopes that a married couple will be responsible in accepting the responsibilities of parenthood.
- God's love guides all parents in their efforts to deal with the stresses of developing the maturation of babies, toddlers, children, and young adults.
- The Holy Spirit works with parents to give them advice and support when their children become ill. God wants parents to have a spiritual resources to turn to if they feel that their children's problems overwhelm them.
- God wants to help us during our time of need and suffering.
- God's love for others helps them to help us.
- God talks to us when we are in desperate need of support and counseling.
- God wants to guide us away from pain and suffering.
- God can lead us to ask others for help.
- We can always ask the Holy Spirit for assistance and advice.
- The love of God that wants to help us is always present in our lives.
- We must be able to allow God and the Holy Spirit to guide and to support us so that they can save our lives in life-threatening situations.
- God can force us to receive help if we become a threat to ourselves and/or a threat to others.
- God wants all of us that have behavioral or psychiatric disorders to get help before they will do something that will cause the criminal justice system to remove them from humanity.
- God relies on psychiatrists and psychotherapists to save the lives of those of us that will resort to hurting ourselves and to hurting others because of an untreated mental illness or a mistreated mental illness.
God Wants To Help Us To Help Others |
God Has Us Under Surveillance |
- God wants all of us to be sociable with others.
- Loving others is our moral obligation to God.
- Our love for God helps us to forgive others that have hurt us.
- We should be ready to help others when God asks us to help others.
- We must guide our peers away from committing destructive and self-destructive behaviors.
- We must help our peers by going to God for help when the peers emerge to become a threat to themselves and/or a threat to others.
- God's love for us is the same love that we should have for others.
- God chooses special people to make a career out of helping other that are in need of medical services, social services, psychiatric services, or emergency medical treatment.
- Making a career out of helping others comes out of the love that honors God.
- God wants His love for us to force us to get help for substance abuse problems and other problems that may destroy the life of a young adult or of an adult.
- God automatically knows when we are trying to hurt ourselves and/or are trying to hurt others.
- God's love helps us to understand that we are not allowed to proceed to continue to hurt ourselves and/or to hurt others.
- God will try to make sure that we will receive assistance if we have a substance abuse problem with illegal drugs or alcohol, or if we intend to use a firearm to destroy ourselves one last time.
- God and the Holy Spirit will work with law enforcement agencies and the criminal justice system to punish those of us who betray the love of God by finding excuses and justifications for continuing to hurt themselves and to hurt others.
- God wants to reward us when he witnesses us showing love for others by helping them in their time of need and suffering. That is how God's love helps to heal suffering human beings.
- God will make it perfectly clear to us that He will not tolerate an endless campaign when any of us will seek to consistently hurt ourselves and/or to hurt others. He will end these problems one way or the other.
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- We need to help our students to understand how to cope with a tragedy either in school or in the community.
- Our students have to understand how to cope with grief when there has been a tragedy in the community.
- Students have to understand the warning signs that something is wrong with a fellow student. They must make the determination that they have to report a sick student to the teachers, to the principal, and to the local law enforcement agency.
- Our students need to understand the healing power of prayer that can relieve the grief after a tragedy in a school or in a community.
- We must pray to God that we will someday see an end to the pain and suffering that we have been experiencing.
- We need to establish psychiatric intervention programs that would help to save the lives of our higher-risk students by looking to help them before it is too late.
- Scientists and engineers exist in partnerships with God and with the Holy Spirit. God and the Holy Spirit always work with scientists and engineers to help their research projects and their inventions to succeed.
- God and the Holy Spirit have to approve every new invention and every new research project that our scientists and engineers would want to undertake.
- Our scientists and engineers do not always understand that they must continue to exist in an Attachment to God and must have the guidance and support from God in to produce successful projects and inventions.
- Scientists and engineers have a duty to God and to Humanity to work on projects and inventions that contribute to the betterment and to the advancement of Humanity.
- We must all pray that the scientific community will lead us to a worldwide lasting peace between all of our brothers and sister throughout Humanity.
- God will use science to find a final lasting peace with Humanity.
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